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Lesson Plan on How to Make a Powerpoint Presentation TUTORIAL

Lesson Plan on How to Make a Powerpoint Presentation

In this epic PowerPoint tutorial, yous'll learn how to create a PowerPoint template from scratch.

What is a PowerPoint template and why do y'all need one?

In short, a template is a set up of pre-congenital slide layouts and prepare formatting to chop-chop create brand consequent and professional PowerPoint presentations.

Below is an example of the properly built template you'll learn how to build in this tutorial.

Example of a custom PowerPoint template in the Slide Master View.

Time Saving Tip:You lot can save yourself a bunch of time past first buying a Professional PowerPoint template and and so tweaking it to come across your needs.

To see the iv best places I recommend finding professional PowerPoint templates online (and why I like them), read my guide here.

If you lot and your squad make lots of PowerPoint presentations, a properly congenital template tin relieve you THOUSANDS of hours building and editing your slides (no joke).

On the flip side, if your template is broken (which many are), it tin make working in PowerPoint a nightmare.

Chances are that if your current PowerPoint template is hard to work with, you are using a broken template. This tutorial will help you fix it (fast).

To acquire how to create your own custom PowerPoint theme (that you tin use with your template), read my guide hither.

Function #1. Creating your PowerPoint template slide backgrounds

  • In this showtime office of this how to create a PowerPoint template tutorial, you'll discover how to create your ain slide backgrounds including how to:
  • Build the overall frame for your template
  • Use and navigate the PowerPoint Slide Principal (and how the Parent and Child
  • Slides work together).
  • Apply the different paste special options.
  • Add together a design background to your slide.
  • Crop images to fit your unabridged slide background.
  • Add together a radial gradient fill up to a shape with transparency.
  • Add new guides and move them around on your Slide Master.
  • And more!

Boosted Template Resource

If you're not 100% articulate on what exactly a PowerPoint template is, read my guide hither.

For a listing of questions, I recommend asking yourself before you build your template, read my guide here.

one. Set the colors for your PowerPoint template

The first step is to select a color scheme for your template. You can easily select that in the Design tab, under Variants.

Selecting the custom colors you want to use in your PowerPoint template

To choose a color scheme for your PowerPoint template, simply:

  1. Navigate to the Design tab.
  2. Open the More variants options.
  3. Select the Colors options.
  4. Click the color scheme y'all want to use.

If you want to use a color scheme that isn't listed hither, you lot tin create your own. To larn how to create your own custom PowerPoint theme, including colors, font combinations, and shape furnishings, read my guide hither.

Selecting a new PowerPoint theme changes all the default colors you take to piece of work with inside your presentation (assuasive you to maintain consistent formatting throughout).

Your theme colors will be reflected in all of your color dropdowns as pictured below (with pre-populated variants for those colors).

The default Office PowerPoint theme colors vs. a custom PowerPoint theme colors you can use for your PowerPoint template

Note:Selecting your ain custom theme colors will not supercede the standard colors at the bottom of your formatting dropdowns. Y'all cannot change these Standard Colors

2. Set up the fonts for your template

To navigate to your PowerPoint Slide Master, simply:

  1. Navigate to the View tab.
  2. Select the Slide Primary control in your ribbon.

The next step is to select a font pairing for your template, which you tin also practice in the Design tab, under Variants.

Notation: This is i of my pinnacle PowerPoint template tips and tricks and ane you don't desire to mess upwardly. To see my ix other top tips and tricks for your PowerPoint templates, read my guide hither.

To cull a new font combination for your PowerPoint template, simply:

  1. Navigate to the Design tab.
  2. Open the More variants options.
  3. Select the Fonts options.
  4. Click the font combination you want to employ.

After selecting your new font combination, all the placeholders throughout your presentation will automatically update to your new font styles.

This kind of macro level formatting is one of the major benefits of creating a PowerPoint template. You set your formatting in ane place, and it updates throughout your entire presentation (astonishing!)

In one case you have your colors and fonts selected, y'all are prepare to create the framework. This includes your slide backgrounds and other mutual blueprint elements y'all will want in your presentation.

three. Navigate to the Slide Master View

In club to properly create the slide backgrounds for your template, you'll need to create your presentation framework on your Slide Master.

Going from the Normal View to the Slide Master View of your template.

To choose a new font combination for your PowerPoint template, simply:

  1. Navigate to the View tab.
  2. Select the Slide Master control in your ribbon.
    Inside your Slide Main, you'll see two sets of slides on the left as pictured below:

#1. The Parent Slide (the bigger slide) is where you desire to make the macro-level edits that you lot want to see reflected on the majority of your slides. For example, this is probable where you volition want to see things similar your company logo or any corporate branding pattern element.

#2. The Child Slides (the smaller slides) are where you want to customize the private layouts away from your Parent Slide. For example, your championship slides and divider slides may expect quite different from the majority of your slides, which is why they'll have their own Child Slides.

Picture of the Parent slide vs the child slides in your slide master

Warning: Although you lot tin delete the Kid Slide layouts within a presentation, I don't recommend it.

As Julie Terberg and Echo Swinford point out in their book on templates, "Building PowerPoint Templates Pace by Step with the Experts", if you lot delete these Child Slide layouts, you are likely to encounter formatting problems and errors when copying and pasting between your templates down the road.

And then unless y'all are 300% sure you are never going to use these layouts (and nobody on the planet is ever going to send you a slide deck with ane of these layouts), I don't recommend deleting them.

four. Customize your Parent Slide background

Now that you are on your Slide Master, you'll desire to showtime by formatting your Parent Slide.

That'south because the formatting that y'all set on your Parent Slide volition affect all of the other slide backgrounds within your template.

So unless y'all are 300% sure you are never going to utilise these layouts (and nobody on the planet is ever going to send yous a slide deck with 1 of these layouts), I don't recommend deleting them.

A. Choose your PowerPoint template's background

Adjacent, you are going to format your slide groundwork with the various design elements you want for all your slides.

In the instance below, I've called a pattern for my template that is minimalist and modernistic. You can download and insert whatsoever picture or pattern you desire to employ as your slide background image.

To larn more than well-nigh creating your own PowerPoint backgrounds, come across our guide here.

Here is the pasted in image to use as a slide background for your template

B. Crop to aspect ratio

To crop an image to the 16:9 Aspect Ratio, follow the steps listed above.

If y'all are using a picture for your slide groundwork, the fastest way to arrive fit on your slide is to ingather information technology using the Attribute Ratio Crop tool. To do that, simply:

  1. Select the background paradigm you lot take pasted on the slide
  2. Navigate to the Format tab.
  3. Open the Crop dropdown.
  4. Open the Attribute Ratio options.
  5. Choose your aspect ratio. In the picture above I chose 16:9 for widescreen to friction match my slide dimensions (another mutual aspect ratio is 4:three for printed slides).
  6. Adjust your photo within the frame.
  7. Striking the Crop control once again or hit Esc on your keyboard.
  8. This will brand resizing the prototype to fit your template much easier without having to worry about warping the prototype.

To larn more about the dissimilar cropping options in PowerPoint, come across our guide hither.

C. Make full out your slide background

To make the image fit your entire slide space, there are two options.

You tin just drag the image manually to fit the entire slide. But make sure you agree the Shift cardinal while y'all overstate your paradigm then you don't accidentally warp your picture.

In the Picture Tools format tab shape width input box, type 13.33

You tin can alternatively resize your image as such:

  1. In the Shape Width box, enter 13.33 and hit Enter on your keyboard.
  2. Drag the image in the center to fit the entire slide.

Note: In my example in the video higher up, I actually duplicate the background image and so that I take 2 smaller images that I identify next to each other, in club to brand the design smaller.

And so I make sure to group the two images together and so that they function as a unit of measurement. To larn all about grouping in PowerPoint, check out our guide here.

The final example of the background shown below is the outcome of that.

And because the image is assault the Parent Slide like this, by default information technology volition show upwards equally all of the slide backgrounds inside my PowerPoint template.

Example of the Parent slide background showing up on all of the child slide layouts in the slide master view

After resizing your background epitome, y'all will want to send information technology back backside the other Parent Slide elements.

To send the image astern, simply:

  1. Select your groundwork prototype.
  2. Navigate to the Picture Tools Format tab.
  3. Click on the Transport Astern dropdown.
  4. From the dropdown carte, select Send to Dorsum.

This will send the background behind the text as shown in the motion picture below. This makes all the Parent Slide content placeholders visible once again on your slide.

Example of text not clearly visible against the slide background image for my template

D. Create a semi-transparent slope layer

With the slide background set for my PowerPoint template, I'm additionally going to brand the slide groundwork less visible by adding a semi-transparent layer.

That'southward because as you can encounter in the moving-picture show below, the text is not crystal clear against the background image I used. This will brand it hard for people to read my slides during a presentation.

In the steps below, I will use the old method (non-Office 365 subscription) for creating a transparent background in PowerPoint. If you have an Office 365 subscription, you can meet the brand new way to create a transparent prototype, meet our guide hither for details.

Pace #one: Insert and format a rectangle

Inserting a rectangle to cover the entirety of the image you want to make transparent.

To insert and format a rectangle in PowerPoint, but:

  1. From the Insert Tab, click on the Shapes gallery, and select a rectangle (mine is on my QAT).
  2. Draw in the rectangle and so that information technology covers your unabridged background prototype (for this to piece of work, your rectangle needs to exist the same verbal size as the image you want to brand transparent).
  3. Remove its outline past going to the Shape Outline dropdown and selecting No Outline.

Pace #2: Add a gradient make full

Right-click your rectangle and select Format Shape to get at your gradient options

With the rectangle still selected, make the following adjustments:

  1. Select your Rectangle and click Format Shape to open the Format Shape dialog box. Opening the Format Shape dialog box gives y'all a wide variety of formatting options yous tin can use to format your shape backgrounds for your template.
  2. Select the Gradient fill.
  3. In the Blazon dropdown, select Radial.
  4. For the Direction, select the "from center" choice (in the eye).
  5. In the Gradient stops bar, select the first gradient stop, and from the fill up Color dropdown, select white. Under Transparency, enter 5 %. So that it virtually looks 100% white in the heart.
  6. Next, select the second gradient bar and drag it to the right. From the fill up Color dropdown, select white. For Transparency, enter 10%.
  7. Then, select the third gradient bar and elevate it to the correct. From the fill Color dropdown, select white. For Transparency, enter 10%.
  8. Finally, select the concluding gradient bar and elevate it to the right. From the fill up Colour dropdown, select white. For Transparency, enter 60%.

Using the gradient fill options described above, your rectangle should look like the one above, with some of your text bleeding through the rectangle.

Adjusting the gradient settings for our shape.

For each gradient stop of your shape, adjust the color, position and transparency.

Close the Format Shape pane and you're all set with your slope formatting.

As a final step, correct-click your gradient rectangle and select Send to Back and then Send Backward plenty times (5 times) so that it sits behind your placeholders but on peak of your pattern background image.

Example of the gradient rectangle on top of the slide background image, making the text easier to read

5. Add a slide background design element

Inserting a white shape with no outline over the slide.

As a side by side step, I'1000 going to add a colored rectangle downward the correct-side of my slide as a nice design chemical element. To practise that, simply:

  1. Navigate to theInsert tab and select theShapes dropdown.
  2. Select aRectangle and draw it on the right-manus side of your slide. Make sure to identify it on the edge of your slide.
  3. Select No Outline (also make sure you are calculation this to your Parent Slide and not a Child Slide).

At this stage, discover that because we properly added these design elements to our Parent Slide, they automatically populate on all the Child Slides.

Example of the slide background images populating to all the child slide layouts within the PowerPoint template

This shows yous the ability of creating a PowerPoint template – you add a design element in one place, and it shows upwardly throughout your presentation.

6. Add together and edit your guides

In PowerPoint, guides assistance with formatting, positioning, and slide-to-slide consistency.

Consider guides every bit the grid on your slide that is used to consistently align your objects. This is an optional pace, just hither I'1000 going to recommend adding guides to your template.

From the view tab, select Guides and then adjust the guides on your slide master to set the guides for your presentation

To add together guides to your PowerPoint template, simply:

  1. Click on the View tab and select Guides.
  2. Notice that at that place are two guides: one vertical and one horizontal. These guides can give you lot a sense of how much infinite you accept on the slide and so that bits of presentations don't become cut off.
  3. To move a guide, place your mouse over it, and when your cursor becomes a double-headed arrow, elevate the guide to where you want it on your slide.

For now, I will simply place my guides on the periphery of the slide, so as to create a "bleed area" in case function of the presentation gets cutting off in print.

Nosotros will look at adding more than guides in function #2 of this serial.

To add together a new guide, simply start dragging an existing one, and so hit the Ctrl key on your keyboard before you let go.

Depending on how you set up your guides, they will tell users where they should and shouldn't be placing content on your slides.

Office #2. Setting up your template placeholders and footers

With your slide background now setup, in the 2d function of this how to create a PowerPoint tutorial, you'll be nailing downward the following three placeholders on your Parent Slide:

  1. Title placeholder
    Content placeholder
    Engagement and time, Footer, and Slide Number placeholders

Example of a PowerPoint template's default placeholders on the Parent slide

And even if you don't want to use these placeholders on all of your slides, it's still important to gear up and format them on your Parent Slide.

Why? Because if yous don't, you run the risk of letting default formatting slip through the cracks and ruin an otherwise perfect template.

Later in this tutorial, y'all'll learn how to tweak your slide layouts away from the Parent Slide if that's what you lot want to do.

1. Format the Title placeholder

In that location are a number of ways in which you tin format your placeholders and there is no right or wrong formatting.

Merely before we dive into that, let's talk virtually what placeholders are.

Placeholders are blank spaces that yous've designated for certain types of content to exist placed on each slide.

You set these on your Slide Master so that they are locked when people fill them in when building their PowerPoint slides using your template.

Three keys to remember about your content placeholders are:

  1. They can only be set and edited (for real) on your Slide Master.
  2. Only text typed into your placeholders will prove in the Outline View of your presentation.
  3. Merely text that has been typed into your placeholders will change fonts automatically when yous change your theme's fonts.

To learn all about the Outline View in PowerPoint and how to utilize it, read our article here.

You tin can alter the font size, alignment, size, position, etc. of your placeholders to meet your requirements. Below I'll run you through the most common formatting elements.

A. Change the font size

Earlier you first formatting your placeholders, brand sure you are on your Parent Slide. Nosotros volition focus on formatting your Kid Slide layouts afterwards.

Changing the Title placeholder's font size up in the Ribbon's Home tab

As a first step, permit'south change the font size of the title placeholder:

  1. Select your title placeholder.
  2. In the Font Size dialog box, enter 40 (or whatsoever size you lot want).

B. Resize and position the placeholder

Resizing and positioning your Title placeholder on your Parent Slide

Adjacent, adjust the size and position of your championship placeholder. To practice that, but select the placeholder and:

  1. Employ the four-headed arrow cursor to move the placeholder to where yous desire it on your slide.
  2. With the placeholder even so selected, drag the resizing handles (the viii little white circles) in or out to resize the placeholder.

There is no right size and position for your title. You'll merely desire to make sure that it fits your slide.

You'll also want to call back about how much text you're expecting people to type into the placeholder for their slides. Make sure the placeholder is big plenty to fit the typical scenario.

C. Prepare your vertical text alignment

Opening the Align Text dropdown and selecting Bottom for your text alignment

Adjacent, gear up the vertical text alignment for your championship. To do that:

  1. Select your title placeholder.
  2. From the Dwelling tab, select the Align Text dropdown carte du jour.
  3. Choose your desired vertical text alignment (I'll cull Bottom for mine).

Unless yous have a specific reason to exercise otherwise, I recommend that y'all choose Bottom for your vertical text alignment. That way your title text volition e'er stay perfectly aligned at the lesser, from slide to slide.

This helps avoid jumping titles for whatsoever slides that have more i line of text.
On the flip side, if you plan on having short titles for all your slides (no more than one line), I recommend using the Eye text alignment instead.

Regardless of what you determine, make certain you examination different title lengths to encounter what will work best for your PowerPoint template.

D. Align your guides to your championship

Since we added our guides in the first part of this series, now nosotros'll fix them to marshal with our championship.

  1. Elevate your Horizontal Guides to match the top and the bottom of your championship placeholder (add more than guides if necessary).
  2. Drag your Vertical Guidesto match the left and correct-hand sides of the title placeholder (add more than guides if necessary).

To add a new guide, simply start dragging an existing i, and and so hit the Ctrl key on your keyboard before y'all let get.

Adjusting your guides like this volition make aligning objects on your slides much easier as your Smart Guides will automatically snap them together.

Aligning your vertical and horizontal guides around your Title placeholder

Note: If your Guides are not visible, but correct-click your slide space and select Grid & Guides, and then Guides. That will plough them on. Alternatively, you can go upwards to the View tab in the Ribbon and select Guides inside the Show expanse.

2. Format the Text placeholder

The Text placeholder on your Parent Slide is special in that it will dictate the default formatting of all the other content placeholders in your presentation (except for the Title placeholder and the Footer placeholders).

Demonstration of how the Content placeholder on the Parent Slide affects the text placeholder on Child Slides.

Setting the default here on the Parent Slide is important because information technology makes it a lot easier to make fast and consistent changes to swathes of content down the road.

Later in this template series, I will show you how to format away from this default beliefs on the Child Slides. Merely start you want to set its default formatting.

A. Resize and position the Text placeholder

can give me resignation,

The beginning thing to do with your text placeholder is change its position and/or size on your slide and then that it'due south exactly aligned with the Title and Footer placeholders. To do that:

  1. Select the Text placeholder and when the cursor becomes a 4-headed pointer, drag the placeholder to the top and left side then that it is aligned with the Championship placeholder.
  2. With the placeholder notwithstanding selected, use its sizing handles to adjust its size until information technology is just right (factoring the corporeality of text that yous predict y'all'll type in, as well as the alignment with the other placeholders).

B. Align the guides

Dragging the Guides to fit around your Text placeholder on your Parent Slide.

In this pace, you need to align the horizontal and the vertical guides to that they align with the Text placeholder. To do that:

  1. Drag the horizontal guides to match the top and the bottom of the Text placeholder.
  2. Similarly, drag the vertical guides to lucifer the left and right-paw sides of the Text placeholder.

C. Change the font size

Adjust the font size for each level of text in the Text placeholder.

The side by side pace is to change the font size of the different levels of text inside the placeholder. To do that:

  1. Select the kickoff level of text.
  2. In the Font Size box, type in 20 and hitting Enter.
  3. Select the second, 3rd, fourth, and fifth levels of bulleted text and change their font sizes to 18,16, 14, and xiv respectively.

D. Adjust and marshal the bullet points

Adjusting and aligning the bullet points for each level of text in the placeholder.

Once you accept set the font size, it is of import to conform the bullets.

  1. Select all the text styles in the content placeholder.
  2. In the Paragraph group, click on the Bullets and Numbering dropdown.
  3. Select the foursquare manner bullets.

Select all the text styles in the content placeholder. In the Paragraph group, click on the Bullets and Numbering dropdown. Select the square style bullets.

Next, you accept to adjust the indent of the bulleted lists so that it appears in all your slide layouts. To do that:

  1. Select the bulleted listing you desire to adapt.
  2. Click, concord, and drag the desired indent mark. In our example, we'll drag the hanging indent marker.
  3. Repeat this for each text level.

Yous tin accommodate the bullets every bit per your personal preference. Based on your knowledge of how someone is going to be using this template, you might determine to add more or less space as required.

In example someone happens to delete some of the bulleted lists and goes to the next level, it's going to default back to the original Part formatting, which will not piece of work for your template.

Note: My recommendation equally per Julie Terberg and Repeat Swinford'southward volume, "Building PowerPoint Templates Stride by Step with the Experts," is to always brand sure that you format every unmarried item you have bachelor. You lot tin can come across their book on templates hither.

That style, yous accept everything gear up in case someone decides to break the rules or do their ain thing, you lot'll be covered. This inevitably happens with templates and you want to exist prepared for information technology!

3. Format your footers

Example of the footer placeholders on the Parent Slide of your template.

The footer section of the Slide Master has 3 types of placeholders:

  1. Slide number
  2. Footer text
  3. Appointment and time

A. Set up the font size for all your footers

The first step is to change the font size of the footer placeholders. To exercise that:

  1. Select all your footer placeholders holding theShiftkey.
  2. In theFont Sizedialog box, type 10 (of whatever your desired font size is) and hitEnter.

B. Resize and position the placeholders

The next thing to do with the footer placeholders is to alter their position and/or size on your slide so that they're aligned with the remainder of the placeholders. To exercise that:

  1. Select each placeholder and when the cursor becomes a four-headed arrow, drag the placeholder to its desired location (use the guides for assistance).
  2. With the placeholder all the same selected, employ its sizing handles to conform its size until it is merely right (factoring the amount of text that y'all predict you'll type in, as well as the alignment with the other placeholders).

Repeat this for each placeholder.

If you desire to be 100% certain that all the Footer placeholders are the same, select them one at a time and get to the Shape Format tab in the Ribbon. In the Size department, verify that the height of the placeholders is the same.

In this case, notation that I am swapping the positions of the Date & Time and the Footer text placeholders.

Example of the footer swapped with the date and time placeholder.

Call back to besides add together new guides around these placeholders to help keep them in identify. Here, I'm only going to add the height and lesser guides, so as to avoid confusion and overkill.

Adding guides to fit around the footer placeholders on your slide.

C. Format the slide number placeholder

Adjusting the margins of the slide number placeholder.

Next, nosotros'll demand to accommodate the formatting of the text inside the slide number placeholder. To do that:

  1. Right-click on the placeholder and click onFormat Shape.
    Select Text Options.
  2. Open the Text box tab.
  3. Type 0 for the Left margin and hit Tab or Enter on your keyboard.

Note: For the slide number placeholder, you tin can as well add symbols as I have here (such as a bar and two spaces), in order to create a visual intermission from the other placeholders.

Example of the Slide Number placeholder adjusted with a line break.

D. Format the date and time placeholder

The next thing is to format the appointment and time footer placeholder. You lot can choose any kind of formatting yous like. Beneath yous'll find the steps that I took in the video tutorial at the meridian of this page.

First, select the placeholder and hitting Ctrl + R on your keyboard to correct-marshal the text to the right (so that it's affluent with the slide number to the right).

Adjusting the date and time formatting for your placeholder, to match your desired format.

Then, you'll desire to choose what kind of engagement formatting y'all desire. To do that, just:

  1. Select the Appointment and time placeholder and hit Ctrl + R on your keyboard to align the text to the correct.
  2. Get up to the Insert tab.
    In the Text group, select Header & Footer.
  3. Click on Date and time so that at that place is a checkmark next to it.
  4. Click on the Date dropdown and select the option as required. In this example, we are going to select December 30th, 2017.
  5. Click Apply to All to save the changes. You tin run into that the date and time text has inverse appropriately.

The final default placeholder to format on the Parent Slide here is the footer text placeholder. This placeholder is designed for text, a tagline, an author's proper noun, or maybe cited sources.

All y'all demand to exercise here is to select the placeholder and hitCtrl + L on your keyboard to left-align the text. This manner, it is next to the logo and the text inserted will extend out towards the right.

Example of the footer text placeholder with its text left-aligned.

While all the default placeholders accept now been set up and formatted correctly, in that location is still one element that you can add on the Parent Slide of your Slide Primary; and that is a logo.

This is optional, so don't experience obligated to add one.

Example of a logo inserted in the footer area of the Parent Slide.

To add and format a logo placeholder, just:

  1. Copy the logo and striking Ctrl + V to paste it on the slide. Make sure you paste it every bit a PNG because it will not lose its quality over time, whereas a JPEG volition.
  2. Resize and reposition the logo to make it fit nicely in its desired position. Alternatively, y'all tin click on the Picture Format tab in the Ribbon and set the height to 0.35 to make information technology even with the other placeholders.

You tin also use this same technique to add a watermark to your PowerPoint slides. To see the different ways to practise this, read our guide hither.

Part #3. Creating custom PowerPoint template slides

In the final part of this guide, y'all'll finalize the slide layouts that you want to use in your PowerPoint presentation by formatting the Child Slides.

TheChild Slides represent the blueprints for each blazon of slide included in your template. By default, your Child Slide layouts will inherit your Parent Slide formatting, but as yous will see, y'all tin can tweak these layouts to run into your individual needs.

Example of how the Child Layouts are used in the Normal View of your template.

The cardinal to designing skillful Kid Slide layouts is to go on in mind how the end-user is likely going to insert content on each type of slide. Yous want to brand information technology easy for everyone to quickly fill them in when using your template.

In this section you'll acquire how to:

  • Remove background graphics on the Slide Master and then that they're hidden on your Kid Slide layouts.
  • Make the slide groundwork an existing picture on your Slide Master.
  • Rename your custom Kid Slide in your Slide Primary.
  • Add prompt text to help the template user properly fill in each layout.
    and more!

1. Format the Title Slide layout

The get-go step is to edit the Title slide layout. This layout is designed to exist filled in with the title and general information well-nigh your presentation.

Typically, its looks slightly different than the rest of the layouts. It typically has less text and fewer images/objects, and it stands autonomously.

That being said, it still needs to friction match the other layouts in its look and feel, and so every bit to make sure information technology'due south conspicuously a part of the same template.

Example of the final design of the Title Child Layout of our template.

The start thing nosotros need to do when formatting our Title slide layout is to retrieve about the background. Typically, a Title slide volition have a slightly different background from the regular Content slides.

Yet, because the background has been set on the Parent Slide, this ways that you will have to deviate from it. There are 2 ways to approach this – let'southward get over each one.

A. Hide the background graphics on a Child Slide – Method #1

The first method for hiding anything on the background (graphics such as the logo, background patterns, pattern elements, etc.) is to insert a blank rectangle to cover it up.

Inserting a rectangle, drawing it on the slide and the making it white with no outline.

To cover up your slide background with a white rectangle, only:

  1. Go to the Insert tab on the Ribbon, click on the Shapes dropdown, select a rectangle.
  2. Draw in the rectangle and so that it fills out the entire slide.
  3. Change the rectangle's fill up color to White.
  4. Remove the rectangle's outline.

Next, we'll need to make certain the placeholders are visible on the slide, in front of the newly inserted rectangle.

To do that, with the rectangle however selected, go to the Shape Format tab on the Ribbon, click on the Transport Backward dropdown and select Send to Back.

Sending the rectangle to the back of the slide.

Note: Proceed in mind that roofing upwards the background elements similar this ways that the logo (and whatever other paradigm you've pasted onto the Parent Slide groundwork) volition be hidden. If yous want that chemical element to be visible on this Child Layout, you lot'll have to re-create/paste it in.

B. Hide the groundwork graphics on a Child Slide – Method #ii

Selecting the Hide Background Graphics option in the Slide Master View for this Child Layout.

The "technically better" way to do this is to utilise the default PowerPoint feature set up to practise this for yous. Simply:

  1. Get to the Slide Master tab in the Ribbon.
  2. Click on Hide Background Graphics to add a checkmark next to information technology.

This hides anything from the Parent Slide that isn't a placeholder. This includes and groundwork images or patterns, logos, and other design elements

You can easily brand them visible once more by unchecking the Hide Background Graphics checkbox.

C. Add in a new background for this layout

Now that we've removed the background inherited from the Parent Layout, nosotros'll need to add in any background elements we want on this particular Kid Slide.

While the background prototype tin be dissimilar, we want to keep the theme consistent across all our slides. So let's go support and take some elements we can reuse.

Outset, navigate back to the Parent Slide and select the pattern image (without the slope). Then hitting Ctrl + C on your keyboard to copy it.

Pasting the pattern image into the Child Layout's background directly.

Then, go back to your Title slide layout and:

  1. Right-click the slide space and select Format Background.
  2. In the Format Background tab, select Picture or texture fill.
  3. Select Clipboard.

This pastes whatever is currently copied on your clipboard into your slide background.

Note: Pasting an object directly into your slide background similar this means that it can no longer be edited in your PowerPoint template.

If instead you paste it onto the slide equally an image, you lot can always go dorsum in and brand adjustments to the image, and therefore the background too.

It'due south up to you whether you want your template's users to exist able to edit the groundwork epitome or not.
And so if y'all're putting the image directly into the slide groundwork, I recommended that yous only exercise so when you are certain that this is the final background image you want to use.

D. Add in an extra design chemical element

Inserting a rectangle onto the Child Layout and then formatting it.

The adjacent step is to add in a design chemical element that matches the full general theme and style of the template. To do that:

  1. Become to the Insert tab on the Ribbon, click on the Shapes dropdown and select a rectangle.
  2. Describe in the rectangle (information technology should be filled with the showtime accent colour of your theme) then that information technology fills about 80% of your slide.
  3. Make sure the rectangle is centered and in the eye of the slide.

Next, allow'due south ship the rectangle behind the placeholders.

To exercise that, right-click the rectangle, open the Send Backward dropdown and select Transport to Back.

Sending the rectangle to the back of the Child Layout.

E. Adjust the placeholders

Adjusting the formatting and placement of the placeholders on this Child Layout.

First, adjust your Title and Subtitle placeholders. To do that, simply select the ii placeholders and:

  1. Change their Font color to white.
  2. Arrange their position and size on the slide, keeping in heed how much room you need to leave for the text.

Adjacent, allow's address the Footer placeholders.

Even if y'all don't want footers visible on the Championship slide of your template, I don't recommend deleting them hither in the Slide Master View.

Why? Because if someone decides to utilise them despite your instructions, y'all still want them to appear correctly and match the residue of the template.

Formatting and adjusting the footer placeholders of this Child Layout.

To format and hibernate your footer placeholders, simply:

  1. Format the footer placeholders the way you'd like them to appear if they were used.
  2. Go up to the Slide Chief tab in the Ribbon and deselect the Footerscheckbox.

Note: Fifty-fifty if your footers stay selected in this Title layout on the Slide Master View, they typically don't appear on that Championship slide in the Normal View.

To turn them on, you accept to go to the Insert tab in the Ribbon and select Header & Footer. There, y'all tin can plough them on.

So unless you truly desire someone to NEVER be able to add together a page number, engagement and time, and footer text to the Championship layout, and so I recommend leaving them on the Kid Slide, in order to keep that option open.

If you deselect the Footers checkbox in the Slide Master View equally we did above, then when someone tries to insert footers in the Normal View, they will not appear.

To larn all about how to add slide numbers in PowerPoint (and troubleshoot ones that won't evidence up), read our guide here.

One more than thing you might notice is that the guides are not visible on the Title slide. Since this is a Child Slide, you tin't edit the guides here.

Unfortunately, the guides yous set on the Parent Slide will likely not match the content you have on the Title slide (and any Child Slide whose content deviates from it).

Example of how the Guides don't match this Child Layout.

2. Format your Title and Content layout

The adjacent step is to edit the most commonly used PowerPoint slide in any presentation, the Championship and Content layout.

Example of the Title and Content Child Layout for the template.

This specific slide layout will wait almost identical to to the Parent Slide layout that we've already set up at this signal. This means that at that place isn't much we have to do to alter it.

Inserting a line and drawing it onto the Child Layout.

However, in this example, we are going to add together i more design element to the layout, which is a directly line. To do that simply:

  1. On the Inserttab on the Ribbon, click on theShapes dropdown and select the straight line. To make sure information technology'due south 100% straight, hold the Shift key as you draw in the line.
  2. Elevate the straight line and place information technology underneath the title. It should perfectly fit in thanks to the Smart Guides. Make sure that information technology's long enough to go past the text in the Title placeholder.

The reason you lot don't add together this line to the Parent Slide is that the layout has to be formatted to piece of work for the bulk of the layouts in your template.

That means that the Parent Slide has to exist relatively bare-bones. You tin can ever add extra elements in the Child Slides.

Example of the final version of this Child Layout.

three. Format the other Child Slides

From here onward, you will need to format each of the Child Slides to match the content that goes in it.

You volition want to follow the same procedure equally in Step #2 higher up, keeping in mind what each Child Slide is designed for and how the content should be placed.

Some layouts will require more custom formatting and pattern elements.
For example, for the Divider slide (the first slide in the examples below,) I have added a rectangle that matches the design elements on the Title slide layout.

Examples of the rest of the default Child Layouts, finalized.

4. Optional Footstep: Create your own Child Layouts

In addition to the default Kid Slides that PowerPoint gives you, yous have the option to create your own.

You can choose to create your ain if you have a very specific type of slide that you'll need to create over and over in your presentation.

If you lot make the slide under 10 times, information technology may not be worth clogging upwardly your Slide Master area. But if you employ it frequently, creating a layout template for that type of slide will save you countless hours.

Hither are the kinds of custom slides you lot may want to create a custom layout for:

  • Table of Contents / Calendar
  • Quote page
  • Team bios / Team headshots
  • Case studies
  • Cheers / Learn more than
  • About united states
  • Data dashboard
  • and more

Keep in mind that the blank layout (and other blank variations) can ever be used to create more ane-off slides.

Creating a Custom Agenda Slide

Example of a custom Child Layout, in this case for the agenda.

In this example, we're going to add a custom Agenda Child Slide. To add this custom layout:

  1. Go to the Slide Master tab in the Ribbon and click Insert Layout. Y'all'll run across that a new Child Slide gets added in with just a Title placeholder and the Footer placeholders.
  2. Add any additional placeholders y'all need (Slide Master tab > Insert Placeholder) and format them as per your requirements. In this case, I've added 20 text placeholders that I've resized and formatted.
  3. Accommodate the prompt text in the placeholders to fit the respective content need. For example, in the image below you can write "Type in detail" and so that the user knows to type in the right text into each placeholder.

Annotation:You can change the shape of a placeholder, along with all other properties of a typical shape. That means that you tin also add fill up, outline, effects, etc.

This is how I was able to create the circular TOC numbers in this layout:

Example of placeholders that have been made into a circle and have a grey fill.

You can besides rename the custom Child Layout by:

  1. Right-clicking it in the Thumbnail View on the left-hand side and selecting Rename Layout.
  2. Type in a helpful proper name and click Rename.

Renaming the custom Child Layout.

Note:You tin can perform these steps for all custom Child Slides. Y'all can likewise create custom layouts for a lot of slides such as sport slides, case studies, contact u.s., etc.
Yet, endeavor non to go overboard because you lot don't want to have a layout surface area packed total of slides as it will misfile the user.

Simply for very oftentimes occurring slides, I highly recommend making your own custom layout.

There are too other slides in the template such every bit the content slide with subtitles, a blank slide with a championship. You can format them per your requirements.

They are not very different from one some other, withal, the only different ones are the title slide and the divider slide.

5. Finalize your PowerPoint template

To plow them on, you have to go to the Insert tab in the Ribbon and select Header & Footer. There, y'all can turn them on.

A. Prepare animations and transitions

The get-go matter is to set the animations and transitions for your slides. For all placeholders that y'all want to automatically breathing in your template, only select it and apply your blitheness.

Note: Keep in mind that animations should be used in your template VERY sparingly. That'south non only because animations can be overly distracting, merely it's likewise because the user of your template may not want to have animations set automatically for them.

In short, make sure y'all create the template in a way that makes your users' life easier, rather than hard.

Setting the default transitions for all the layouts in your template.

One time that'southward done, let's set the slide transitions. To do that, merely:

  1. Select all of the slides in your template (in the Slide Master View).
  2. Click into the Transitions tab in the Ribbon and select your preferred slide transition.

Next, let's make sure we close the Slide Chief View since we are done with it. From the Slide Main tab in the Ribbon, clickClose Master View.

Closing the Slide Master View to go back to the Normal View of PowerPoint.

Note: There is also a Notes Master and Handout Master in PowerPoint that you tin can setup and format. These masters determine the look and feel of your PowerPoint handouts when y'all print them.

To learn how to format these elements in regards to printing multiple slides per page in PowerPoint, read our guide here.

B. Stress test your template

It is highly recommended that you exam your template before you distribute information technology. That way you catch any errors before your users practise.

A couple of means you can stress test your template are by:

  • Trying to use information technology in a variety of different ways to encounter if it breaks
  • Typing in all kinds of dummy text
  • Deleting things and and so having them reappear again
  • Pasting slides in from other templates to see what happens in your template

Final Template Thoughts

And that'south how to create a PowerPoint template that works the way it is supposed to.

You now accept the foundational skills to commencement creating your own PowerPoint templates and apply them to build beautiful and tailor-made PowerPoint presentations in the time to come.

If you want to learn more about building and deploying your template in professional settings, I recommend checking out my pace-past-stride training course, run into details here.

As a quick epitomize of everything you learned, you learned how to:

  • Navigate the Slide Main View.
  • Add slide backgrounds to your template, as well as how to hibernate background graphics.
  • Format each of the elements on the Parent Slide layout.
  • Format each Child Layout and how to create your ain custom Child Slide layouts.
  • Add and adjust the Guides on your Parent Slide layout.
  • And more!

If you enjoyed this in-depth tutorial, you'll love our PowerPoint grooming courses and tutorials that y'all can learn more most here.

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Lesson Plan on How to Make a Powerpoint Presentation TUTORIAL

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